10 Sep 2024

Parking infringement fees, which are set by the Government and enforced by the Council, have gone up for the first time in two decades.

Parking fines in Christchurch will increase from 1 October 2024.

“The Government has agreed to an inflation-based increase and our parking compliance officers will be implementing the new fees. Most fees were set in 2004, meaning that paying a parking ticket has sometimes been cheaper than paying for parking,” Transport Operations Manager Stephen Wright says.

The Government’s changes apply a Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase to parking infringement fees, resulting in around a 70% increase. For example, currently if someone exceeds their paid time limit by to 30 minutes, they will be fined $12. This will increase to $20 as of next month.

The fee increases are also getting tougher on people parking in mobility car parks reserved for disabled people by raising the fine from $150 to $750.

Mr Wright says the Council supports the move to help address accessibility issues.

“It’s important that mobility parks are available for those that really need them. Increasing the fine provides a great incentive for those that might have risked parking in a mobility spot to look for another carpark.”

Parking Infringements can be issued for a number of offences relating to paid parking (meters), time limits, broken yellow lines, bus stops, special vehicle lanes, footpaths, loading zones, licence label and warrant of fitness. 

Towage and impoundment fees are also increasing as they are no longer covering operators’ costs.

The Government has said that low fee levels have contributed to inefficiencies in the transport system.

 For more information about parking fees visit Parking tickets : Christchurch City Council